About ICID
History - Mission - Objectives - Structure

“Institute of Collaboration for Integration and Development” (ICID ) was born as result of concrete initiatives and actions of grouped people with different political views,different levels of scientific education and professions, places of origin and religious beliefs. All together, young men and women, all in the first steps of a path they all aspired to walk along.

However, the movement spread from town to town, pursuing the historical values of cooperation, with the support of the political and governmental protagonists, personalities of science and arts, in national and local scale, the avalanche of initiatives involved high level political figures, mayors, prefects, eligious leaders, leaders of political parties and personalities of the communities in all the administrative centers where these activities took place.

All together, under the same motto: collaboration towards a different reality, towards a better future for All.

Not long after, just a few years later, the, so to speak, impossible word “together”, changed into the principal motto of all alternatives, when facing the voters and in the political and governmental platform programs in national, regional and local levels.

All those men and women who initiated and supported the initiative for collaboration, give today their contribute in political freedom issues as well as all government and social instances of the country. They are leaders of the state, policy makers, law makers, central and local government members, responsible of the administration of the national and local institutions, organizations and entities. The Institute of Collaboration for Development and Integration was founded and constituted by the Tirana Court of Law, Albania. I.C.I.D. headquarters are in Tirana, but a national network has naturally come to be through I.C.I.D initiative in the past years.

Our Program

I.C.I.D. is affirmed as a leadership collaborative reality along policy making, governmental and civil society areas.

Institute of Collaboration for Integration and Development, through different kind of activities implement and promote collaboration among leadership in the society as well as contribute to build sustainable and collaborative networks among all groups across the society, as a necessity for the present development and that of future of generations.

Through different types of activities I.C.I.D wishes to implement and practice collaboration, as a common behavior of our contemporary society, aiming to increase among the leaders the awareness that:

  • there is no economic development and progress without collaboration of stakeholders in the society;
  • there is no harmony, peace or social integration without their collaborative contribution;
  • there is no regional cooperation without collaboration, within the single countries;
  • there is no Euro-Atlantic integration without collaboration of prominent factors in both: national and regional levels.

I.C.I.D intends to:

  • Bring in attention the very significant role of leadership collaboration in post dictatorial and democratic society, as well as the necessity of leadership’s to collaborate towards country development and social integration;
  • Underline the necessity of the cross – class collaboration in the community, collaboration of political, governmental, religious leadership as well as of personalities of the civil society;
  • Emphasize necessity of encouragement for the emerging young leadership in economy, society, politics, government, as a key factor for an open collaborative and sustainable new leadership, the leadership which work to all generations, social classes, all religious groups and genders.
  • To highlight the lessons of the history (the present and the past of the country and the region), that the future leadership, must take into consideration.

With the very aim of achieving the abovementioned objectives through collaboration of above mentioned groups, ICID has been and will be strongly present through different activities in Tirana and other cities of the Country and the region.